
  • Get this out of my closet. Shop. Part 3

    At the time of this writing the url,, displays “Success! The Get this out of my closet shop server block is working!” which is exactly what we want to see so we’re moving onto WordPress, WooCommerce, and LetsEncrypt.

  • Get this out of my closet. Shop. Part 2

    I decided to move the website to its own droplet on DigitalOcean (DO) due to issues getting an SSL certificate on the shared droplet. After creating a new droplet I followed DO’s instructions for securing the droplet and now we continue on with setting up the LAMP stack and getting WordPress. WooCommerce, and Let’s Encrypt up and GetThisOutOfMyCloset.Shop running.

  • Get this out of my closet. Shop.

    Recall from the first post the reason I began this blog, my best friend needed an outlet for her collection of artworks and body care supplies. Let’s take a look at how I setup her website.

  • Welcome to the blog. Here's how I did it, part 2.

    Yes, there is a part 2 to this because as I took a look at my GitHub profile to see that pretty green-filled box I noticed it wasn’t there. That’s because when you fork a project it doesn’t work to fill in the gaps on your repo but if you make a pull request that gets accepted on the source repo that profile will see a green box. Keep making those contributions, but if you’re wanting the green box on your profile here’s how to do it.

  • Welcome to the blog. Here's how I did it.

    As I was setting up my best friend’s website, she has amassed a large collection of art supplies, artworks, and skin care products that are taking over her closet space so we’re making an online shop to clear it out, she mentioned me setting up a blog to detail the technical work I’ve been doing. For a long time I’ve been reluctant to begin a blog finding them to be time consuming, per my attempts to start a blog for my hobby with photography and painting, yet I now equate them to documenting client projects, which I’m a fan of doing so here it goes.

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